Home DestinationsAmazing Scotland The Storr and Old Man of Storr

The Storr and Old Man of Storr

by wanderscapes

Anyone visiting Isle of Skye, Scotland, should definitely see the Old man of Storr. The Storr is a rocky hill on the Trotternish peninsula of the Isle of Skye in Scotland. A part of the Totternish ridges, this hill features a steep rocky eastern face overlooking Raasay. The high contrast with the grassy slopes to the west offers one of the most picturesque sights you’ll ever see. So, we set out on a morning from the caravan we were staying in, with high hopes of enjoying breathtaking views we read so much about.

Despite the forecast predicting rains by noon, we were welcomed by looming dark clouds that threatened to rain any moment. We carried on along the beautiful countryside taking in the lovely sights – meadows, hills, lakes and serenity. The Storr was visible from afar – it was as if nature was teasing us with a dose of pristine beauty and enticing us with it charms.

We were almost there when it began to pour heavily. It was probably one of the heaviest rainfalls we ever saw in the recent times. The wind and rain swept away all our cheer as we sat brooding in the car. We were so near that we could see the Storr through the car window, but it seemed so far to reach. Then, after what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, the rain stopped and it turned sunny.

Old Man of Storr
So near, yet so far

The Trek to Old Man of Storr

We lost no time in getting out and starting our ascend to see one of the most beautiful sights the island has to offer. Despite the sun, it was cold and windy. The pathway was murky due to rain and although the ascend wasn’t that difficult, we had to stop in between to catch our breaths. What a better excuse to pause and enjoy the unparalleled beauty all around us! Wherever we looked, amazingly beautiful sights greeted us. Slowly, but steadily, we went on and on. It didn’t take much time for the weather to turn again.

The mighty wind and dark clouds never let us enjoy the glorious sight before us to the fullest. As it started drizzling, we hugged our raincoats tighter and braved the wind. And then we reached a spot from where we could enjoy the sight well. Even though we could have gone further up, the wet conditions had already dampened our spirits that we decided we had seen enough. Again we braved wind and rain to click some pics and save the memory. We had high hopes and plans to get some amazing shots and views for our viewers.

A Somewhat Disappointing end

Unfortunately, we couldn’t do even half of what we had planned. So, although we loved the scene before us, we decided it was better to turn back from there and not go any further up. One, the path was a bit difficult and two, rain clouds were threatening to come down upon us. So, reluctantly, we started walking back down to the car park and as expected were drenched in rain. Feeling wet, damp and a tad disappointed, we walked slowly down the path.

One part of the heart rejoiced that we could see the Storr while the other part was sad we couldn’t go to the top and enjoy the view from there… Sometimes, in life, things don’t go as per our plan…(sigh!!)

Back in the car, all wet and slightly disappointed, we set out to the next destination on our list. You’ll hear about it in our next blog. Stay tuned.

You can watch the video of our experience here

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