Home DestinationsAmazing Scotland Mealt Falls and Kilt Rock – One of a Kind

Mealt Falls and Kilt Rock – One of a Kind

by wanderscapes

After visiting the Old Man of Storr in not so favourable weather, we headed towards Mealt Falls and Kilt Rock. On our way there, the now familiar landscapes of meadows, hills, lochs and mountains greeted us.

Mealt Falls and Kilt Rock

Mealt Falls in Isle of Skye, Scotland is truly one of its kind – it is one of the ten waterfalls in the whole of Europe that drains into the sea. It is undoubtedly the most popular of UK’s trio of such waterfalls.

An Unscheduled Stop at Lealt Falls

A little further on the way, we made an unplanned stop when we saw a parking lot full of vehicles. It turned out to be a good decision when we explored the area. We saw a set of waterfalls situated in a gorge, the highlight of which was the 90 meters high Lealt waterfall. The wind was strong and the smaller waterfall was roaring. It gushed down angrily with strong, but murky waters splashing around the rocks beneath. The view was amazing.

We also climbed up a small hillock nearby to get a view of the sea from the top. The weather was not too friendly with wind and rain competing with one another to dampen our spirits. Despite the weather, we spend some time there taking in the raw beauty of nature.

As we came down, we saw the Old Man of Storr far ahead on the horizon. There are no words to describe the feeling… We also took a pause to enjoy a different view of Lealt Falls before we rushed to get back on road.

No sooner we got in the car, the weather changed for the better. We drove to Mealt Falls, taking in the beautiful blue skies and lovely nature all around us. Soon, we reached the parking lot to discover the weather has turned nasty again.

Mealt Falls

A board that gave us information about the dinosaurs that used to roam around in the region greeted us. They discovered several dinosaur footprints and remains from nearby regions. In fact, they discovered the remains of the smallest dinosaur in Staffin, not far from here. There were some models of Dinosaur footprints for us to compare with our feet.

We were anxious to see the waterfalls before it started raining again. So we went to the railings at the edge of the cliff & enjoyed the sight of one of the rarest waterfalls in the world. Never before had we seen a waterfall that drains into the ocean. This was an amazing sight, to say the least.

Mealt falls (sometimes called Kilt Rock Waterfall) is an extraordinary waterfall. The water plunges 55 meters down directly into the Atlantic Ocean. Although there was only little water, we felt amazed and overjoyed to see the sight. We spend sometime admiring the beauty of nature – what a wonderful and strange place it was!

The waterfall is fed by a small loch situated a bit far from the parking lot. The water flows down through a natural drain and empties into the ocean, creating a rare, beautiful and majestic waterfall. That is something to cherish all our lives…

Kilt Rock

A little beyond the waterfalls stood a strangely shaped rock. The Kilt Rock got its name for obvious reason – it resembles a Scottish Kilt. It was like a kilt made of rock. It is not possible to go closer to the rock, but that doesn’t matter. The view from afar is the best in this case.

There were some pathways and we went a bit ahead through one of the paths. We could see some great views of the ocean and the cliffs. We had hoped to see some birds or maybe a dolphin or so, but weren’t lucky. It was too optimistic to expect such things in such a bad weather.

Our Verdict

It started raining again and we had to get back in the car to prevent ourselves from getting drenched. As we sat inside the car, we had mixed emotions. Although we were grateful to see these sights, we had hope to get better views and good weather. But, nature is its own master and we can do nothing but to adapt ourselves to its whims and fancies.

Soon, we were on our way to Quiraing. However, we were greeted with a no access board when we took a turn as per Google map. Although we had to turn back and find an alternate route, we came across some of the most beautiful landscapes on our way.

We shall be back with our experience at Quairaing soon. Stay tuned for that and more. Until we meet again, take care and stay safe!

To watch our video on Mealt Falls and Kilt Rock click here

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