Home Destinations Must See in Peak District – Bamford Edge

Must See in Peak District – Bamford Edge

by wanderscapes

Bamford Edge is perhaps less popular compared to Stanage Edge in Peak District. However, that shouldn’t put you off from visiting the spot because it offers much to a visitor. Peak District, as many of you might be aware, is a great place to enjoy some scenic walks. (Check out our previous blog to know all about hiking to Mam Tor – voted the 10th most popular walks in the UK). Anyway, a walk to Bamford Edge is very much doable and recommended.

What is Bamford Edge?

Bamford Edge, situated in the dark peaks in the Peak District National Park is a gritstone (sandstone) overhang offering unmatched views. It lies 1.5 km north of Bamford, a small village in Derbyshire. At an elevation of 420 m, it offers some breathtaking views of the Hope Valley and the Ladybower Reservoir. A picturesque spot to click some panoramic snaps, this is definitely worth a visit.

An Easy, Doable Peak District Walk

Several trails lead to Bamford Edge – almost all of them are easy and doable, even for a moderately fit person. There are no steep or strenuous climbs to the top. However, you may have to negotiate a stile or two to reach the path leading to the top.

Note: When we visited, we couldn’t find any designated parking space nearby. However, people had parked by the roadside and so we too followed their suit. If any of you know about the car park, do mention it in the comment section below.

Reasons to Add Bamford Edge to your Peak District Itinerary

There are several reasons why Bamford Edge should be on your list of places to visit when you go to Peak District. Here are some of them:

It is quick and easy

As mentioned above, this is an easy and quick walk. Bamford Edge is the ideal for a quick visit, thanks to the ease with which you can reach the top. You can arrive at the top in less than half an hour from New Road. So, if you are weary of hiking to the more difficult hills, or don’t have much time on hand, Bamford Edge is your best choice to enjoy some panoramic views with very little effort.

Peak district

Enjoy the best views of Ladybower Reservoir

If you wish to enjoy some of the best views of the Ladybower Reservoir, Bamford Edge is the place to be. You can enjoy not only the panoramic views of Hope Valley below but also the full glory of the reservoir. Anyone who’s been there would tell you it has the most wonderful view of the rolling hills and the surrounding woodlands. The reservoir itself presents an enchanting scene worthy of a picture postcard.

Peak District

What’s more – the rocks at the top offer the best spot to sit back and relax while taking in the spectacular views. Not many other places offer you easy access to such wonderful sights.

Rock Climbing Anyone?

There might not be any dearth of rock climbing spots in Peak District. However, there aren’t many spots like Bamford Edge with its excellent combination of sandstone outcrops and ease of access. Don’t be fooled though – it can offer you some of the hardest climbs. At a maximum height of about 15 m, it is suitable for all sorts of climbers – newbies and experts. No wonder that this is a favourite spot for rock climbers. We saw several rock climbers in action when we visited.

The Best Place to Click Photos in Peak District

If you love to show off your pics on social media, there is no other better spot than Bamford Edge to click some awesome pics. The rocky outcrop provides the perfect setting for that incredible pic you always wanted to click. During our visit, we could see numerous people clicking daredevil selfies and other Instagram-worthy pics.

Note: The rocks are not too dangerous. However, be mindful of the strong winds. Never risk your life (or that of others) in search of an awesome click. It simply is not worth it, especially because you can get wonderful pictures without risking your lives.

Less Crowded

If you enjoy quietude, you will definitely like Bamford Edge than its more popular cousin Stanage Edge. Stanage Edge is the more frequented and glamourous place among visitors, but we think Bamford Edge is a hidden gem. Of course, the place wasn’t deserted, but it was certainly less crowded than some of the other spots we visited over time. Best views and no crowd – isn’t that a winning combination?

Combine with a Visit to Stanage Edge

Another charm of Bamford Edge is that you can easily combine a visit to it and Stanage Edge. By the way, if you have time on hand you should definitely visit Stanage Edge – a four-mile stretch of gritstone overhang. It is an impressive sight even from afar and having gone up there a few years ago, we can say that the views are good too.

Trivia: If you have watched Pride & Prejudice (2005) starring Keira Knightley, you would have seen a glimpse of it in the film.

A Must Visit Site in Peak District

As you can see, Bamford Edge is a must-visit place in Peak District. It is an ideal place to spend half a day in the company of your near and dear ones. Weather permitting, you can even enjoy a picnic up there as well. Even if you don’t plan to do a picnic, please carry some water and food with you. There aren’t any shops or refreshments up there or on the way up. The nearest place you can get food is Bamford village.

To enjoy an aerial view of Bamford Edge, check out our vlog here.

We can’t recommend an easier and quicker walk with breathtaking views than Bamford Edge. Do visit the place when you are in the area next. If you have been there, do share your thoughts in the comment box at the bottom of this page.

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