Dragonflies are magical creatures – they hold a certain charm that makes everyone look at them in wonder. With their delicate wings and colourful bodies, they fill the heart with hope and joy.
Deep in the sun-searched growths the dragonfly
Hangs like a blue thread loosened from the sky.
The common hawker, also known as moorland hawker or sedge darner is one of the larger species of hawker dragonflies. It is native to Palearctic (from Ireland to Japan) and northern North America. Their flight period is from June to early October.
A hawker is 2.9 inches long with a brown body. The male has a black abdomen with paired blue and yellow spots on each abdominal segment, and narrow stripes along the dorsal surface of the thorax. The female has a brown abdomen with yellow or sometimes green or blue spots. The wings display a yellow costa (the major vein running along the leading edge of the wings).
Female common hawkers will sometimes dive out of the sky and feign death in order to avoid copulating with males.